How To Draw On Felt: 5 Ways! Freehand Tracing, Stencils & More
Learning how to draw on felt is a useful skill to know, as it can be used in many ways when working on your craft project.
Drawing on felt is a great way to plan out your felt embroidery design. You can also doodle on your felt fabric to add cute details to your stuffed toys, home decor, and more!
So how do you draw on felt exactly? The simplest way is to draw directly onto your fabric using permanent or erasable fabric pens.
Not sure how to go about drawing on felt? No worries – I’ve been sewing since I was 11 and I love helping out my fellow sewists with beginner-friendly tips.
In this guide, I’ll share with you how to draw on felt material. We’ll also go into alternative methods to drawing on craft felt fabric, like using freezer paper and iron-on transfer paper.
Let’s get started!

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Table of Contents
How To Draw On Felt (Freehand Tracing, Stencils & More)
How To Draw On Felt Fabric: Basic Techniques To Use
Are you wondering how to transfer a pattern onto felt? Or are you looking to add some hand-drawn details to your design? Either way, you can use these techniques:
Freehand Tracing
Yup, you can draw your pattern directly onto the fabric!
The best way to draw on fabric freehand is to draw with a light hand. Don’t press too hard on the fabric – you might end up stretching or poking a hole in the felt. Try to draw without stopping, as the pen is less likely to bleed into the fabric.
Learning how to draw a pattern on fabric and how to write on felt fabric takes practice but you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
Use a permanent fabric pen if you want the design to remain on the fabric (if you’re drawing details, for example). Use an erasable fabric pen if you’re planning to erase the markings when you’re done. For dark-colored felt, use tailor’s chalk.
I know what you’re thinking! Yup, you can also use regular markers like Sharpie on felt, but I recommend sticking to fabric pens if you can, as non-fabric pens can bleed and stain the fabric.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on freehand tracing:
Step 1: Draw or print a pattern to use as a drawing guide.
Step 2: Prepare your felt fabric (lay out on a flat surface, get your cutting tools ready…).
Step 3: Draw the pattern onto the felt fabric.
Here’s a quick look at marking your fabric with chalk and pen:
The freehand method is good for drawing simple outlines but if you’re working on a design that needs precision, freehand tracing isn’t the best option.

Stencil Method
You’ll like the stencil method if you want an easy way to get more precise drawings on your fabric. Using this method, you’ll learn how to draw on fabric by creating a stencil out of your pattern paper.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on the stencil method:
Step 1: Draw or print a pattern to use as a drawing guide.
Step 2: Cut the pattern paper according to the design.
Step 3: Place the pattern piece onto the fabric. Pin to secure it – or check out other ways to secure your felt in this post.
Step 4: Draw the pattern onto the felt fabric using the stencil cut-out as a guide.
Using the stencil drawing method is perfect if you want to make symmetrical animal facial details on a plushie or if you want to embroider lettering on felt in a straight line, this method works better than freehand tracing.
Here’s a cool idea you can try for making your own stencils:
How To Transfer An Image Onto Felt Without Drawing On Felt
Freezer Paper Method
If you want to transfer a pattern without actually having to draw on the fabric itself, use this nifty freezer paper method. The paper has a coating on one side – it temporarily sticks to the fabric when you iron it on.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on the freezer paper method:
- Step 1: Draw or print the pattern on the matte (non-shiny) side of the freezer paper.
- Step 2: Cut around the outline, leaving a slight border.
- Step 3: Using low to medium heat, iron the freezer paper onto the right side of the fabric.
- Step 4: If you’re using this technique as a cutting guide, cut according to the pattern lines. If you’re using this technique to transfer an embroidery pattern, embroider on the paper and gently peel the paper off when you’re done.
Here’s a tutorial on transferring patterns to fabric using freezer paper:
Tracing Paper
You can also use tracing paper to transfer your pattern if you don’t have freezer paper on hand. If you want to learn how to transfer embroidery patterns onto felt, this tracing paper method works perfectly.
You’ll have to pin the paper to the fabric, as it doesn’t have that sticky side like freezer paper. Carefully tear off the paper once you’re done embroidering on it. Use tweezers to remove tiny bits of tracing paper that get stuck under the stitches.
Let’s do a walkthrough of the steps:
Iron-On Transfer
This is the best method if you want to transfer a rich, color-filled image (not just black-and-white outlines) onto your fabric.
You’ll need iron-on pattern transfer paper and once you iron it on your fabric, it gets fully transferred, making it the closest thing to digital printing on felt fabric.
Here’s the step-by-step guide on the iron-on transfer method:
Step 1: Print a mirror image of your colored design on the iron-on transfer paper.
Step 2: Cut around the image, leaving a slight border.
Step 3: Using medium heat, iron the transfer paper onto the right side of the fabric.
Step 4: You can leave the image as is, or decorate it with stitches and appliqués on the felt.
Here’s a full tutorial on using iron-on transfer paper:
PS. If you’re wondering, “Can I iron felt?” – yup, you can! Just be extra careful when ironing synthetic-based felt. Stick to low temperatures as it could melt when exposed to high heat.

Drawing On Felt: Tools You’ll Need
Pens To Draw On Fabric
These are the best pens I recommend using to draw on fabric:
- Permanent fabric pen: Use this if you want to make PERMANENT marks on your fabric. For example, drawing eyes or spots on animal felt designs.
- Erasable fabric pen: Use this if you want to draw non-permanent marks to use as a cutting guide. You can iron on the fabric to erase the markings.
As an alternative to pens, you can also use these tools:
- Marking pencil: If you don’t have an erasable fabric pen, you can also use a pencil to make rough sketches on your fabric. You can rub it off(be careful not to stretch out the felt) to tidy up your finished project.
- Tailor’s chalk: This is another great alternative to an erasable fabric pen. It’s especially good for drawing on dark-colored felt.
- Fabric paint: Yup, you can paint on felt if you’d like! It’s a great way to decorate your crafts.
Tracing Tools
A good sewing kit needs a basic set of tracing tools. At the very least, have a measuring tape and an assortment of straight and curved dressmaking rulers on hand to create neat drawings on your fabric.
Felt Fabric
Use felt fabric that’s larger than your pattern. For large patterns, use wide felt fabric. You can choose from these common types of crafting felt fabric:
- 100% wool felt: Use this if you’re looking for an all-natural felt fabric with the highest quality. It’s made wholly from wool – it’s a soft felt fabric and it lasts longer compared to craft felt.
- Craft felt: Use this if you’re looking for a budget-friendly option. Craft felt is made from synthetic fibers, usually polyester or acrylic. It comes in a wide variety of bright colors too.
- Wool blend felt: This blend of wool and synthetic fibers is a good in-between option. The advantages of this felt are that it’s softer than craft felt but it’s not as expensive as 100% wool felt.
It’s good to know the pros and cons of wool and polyester felt fabric to decide which type of fabric is the best fit for your project.
Sewing Pins
Standard sewing pins are all you need for most projects with felt. You’ll be using these for pinning patterns onto fabric (the stencil method) and for pinning tracing paper onto fabric (the tracing paper method).
Freezer Paper
Freezer paper is good to have if you want to transfer precise patterns onto your fabric. I like these printer-friendly ones! You can print the pattern directly onto the paper, and iron it on the fabric.
Tracing Paper
Using thin tracing paper is a good way to learn how to transfer a pattern onto felt. The thinner the paper is, the easier it is for you to slowly tear it off beneath the stitches you’ve embroidered or stitched on your felt.
Iron-On Transfer Paper
If you need to transfer a whole image onto felt fabric, you’ll want to have some iron-on transfer paper on hand. The ones I recommend are compatible with a Cricut Maker, making it extra convenient to cut your designs if you have one.

How To Transfer Embroidery Pattern Onto Felt
These are the best ways to transfer embroidery patterns onto felt:
- Freezer paper method: You can draw or print your design on the paper, iron it on felt fabric to make it stick, and embroider it on the paper itself. When you’re done, gently peel the paper off.
- Tracing paper method: You can draw or trace your design on the paper, pin the paper to your fabric, and embroider it on the paper itself. When you’re done, remove the pins and gently tear the tracing paper off. Use tweezers for tiny bits.
- Freehand tracing: You can draw your pattern directly on the felt if you’d like to learn how to draw embroidery patterns on fabric. Use an erasable fabric pen to mark your embroidery design.
Read all the details in my full guide on cutting out felt.
PS. If you’re wondering how you transfer a drawing onto felt, use either the freezer paper or tracing paper method.

How To Paint Felt Fabric
Painting on felt fabric is a good way to add some customized details to your project, or even to create your own uniquely-colored felt fabric (like gold felt fabric, for example).
Here are some tips you can use if you want to know how to dye felt fabric:
- It’s best to use fabric paint as they transfer well onto fabric and are more resistant to fading compared to other options like watercolor.
- Choose the best applicator style to suit your project. If you need precise painted lines, use an applicator bottle. For large strokes of color, use a paintbrush or sponge.
- Felt is a pretty absorbent material so make sure the paint is not too runny or watered down.
How To Decorate Felt Fabric
Feel like adding a little pizzazz to your crafts? Here are some ideas on how you can decorate your fabric:
- Draw decorative details with a permanent fabric pen
- Embroider on the fabric (use embroidery threads to stitch on felt)
- Add a splash of paint
- Sew on some cute appliqué designs
- Embellish with beads
How To Draw On Felt Material: Useful Tips
- Always test your drawing tools on a scrap piece of felt fabric first to spot any issues. For example, you’ll want to check if the marker you’re using bleeds on the fabric, or if the iron-on pattern transfer paper works correctly.
- What to ensure you can draw on felt with markers without making them bleed into the fabric? DON’T stop as you’re drawing. You don’t want the marker tip to stay too long in one spot – this is when it seeps into the fabric.
- When you’re drawing on felt fabric in different colors, let one color dry first for 10 to 15 minutes before drawing with a different color. If you draw a different color immediately, the colors will run into one another.
Not sure what to draw? Check out this article with lots of project ideas for holidays, kids’ backpacks, and all sorts of other things, or this article on animal felt cloth pattern ideas.

Where To Get Felt Fabric
Amazon is the best option if you’re looking for where to buy felt fabric. These are my go-to picks to shop for felt for crafts:
Felt fabric (craft felt especially) is also widely available in craft stores. If you’re specifically looking for where to buy cheap felt fabric, go for craft felt.
How To Draw On Felt FAQ
What Is Best To Write On Felt?
The best tool to use on felt is a fabric pen or marker. It doesn’t bleed or stain the fabric. If you want to, you can use regular marker pens, Sharpies, and felt tips as well. They work for creating marks on felt – just be careful as they can seep into the fabric.
Can You Draw Or Paint On Felt?
Yes, you can draw and paint on felt. I know it seems like it might be hard to leave marks on a “fuzzy” fabric like felt, but fabric pens and fabric paint actually work great on felt. You can also use a pencil or tailor’s chalk for drawing on felt.
Can You Paint On Felt?
Yes, it’s possible to paint on felt. It’s best to use fabric paint as it transfers well onto felt and keeps it flexible. Other types of paint like acrylic paint hardens as it dries, making the fabric stiff. You can use a brush, sponge, or applicator bottle to paint on felt.
Can You Print On Felt Fabric?
No, it’s not possible to print on felt fabric with a printer. Although inkjet printers are used to print on fabric, they’re only compatible with cotton, linen, nylon, polyester, and silk. Printing on felt fabric can damage the fabric and cause the colors to bleed.
How Do You Mark Patterns On Felt?
You can use these methods to mark patterns on felt:
- Trace the pattern freehand on your fabric
- Cut out patterns and use them as stencils on fabric
- Print pattern on freezer paper and iron on fabric
- Draw on tracing paper and pin to fabric
- Use iron-on transfer paper to transfer whole images to fabric
How Do You Write On Felt Cloth?
Use a permanent fabric pen to write on felt cloth. Roughly sketch the lettering in pencil first if you want to avoid any mistakes when writing on felt fabric. You can also use regular marker pens, Sharpies, and felt tips but be extra careful as they can bleed and stain the fabric.
Can You Use Pencil On Felt?
Yes, you can use a pencil on felt. Pencils are good to use if you want to do a rough sketch on your fabric to be used as a guide for cutting, tracing, embroidering, and more. They’re erasable, which makes for a tidy mark-free finish.
What Pen Is Permanent On Fabric?
Permanent markers like Sharpies are permanent on fabric. Permanent fabric pens will also leave a permanent mark on the fabric. If you need a non-permanent option, use an erasable fabric pen, pencil, or tailor’s chalk.
How Do You Draw On Black Felt?
To draw on black felt, use white tailor’s chalk. This old-school sewing tool leaves a light-colored mark on fabrics, making it visible on darker-colored felt fabrics like black felt. It will disappear by itself over time. You can also use a white fabric pen.
How To Draw On Felt: Final Thoughts
If you’re wondering how to draw on felt material, I hope this beginner-friendly guide gave you what you need!
Drawing on felt fabric is pretty straightforward – you can basically draw your pattern directly on the fabric. For more detailed patterns, I recommend cutting pattern pieces to be used as stencils.
You also don’t have to draw on felt if you don’t want to. You can use freezer paper or iron-on transfer paper to get your design onto the fabric.
Now that you know how to draw on felt, it’s time to pick up my top tips for cutting felt!